Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Time to move on

The cloud on the cover is not quite what I had imagined ...

but time is running short. And I do love the lettering ...

worked with Deb Lacativa threads, as so much of this book is ...

If only the camera could reproduce what my eye is actually seeing.

It can't. Oh well. 

At least there's the Hazel Monte-inspired  moon to soothe me ...

I need to finish ... this and three more cloths (for end "papers" and a back cover). Finish in time to make books for Christmas.

On deadline ... no pressure (ha!)


So, this byline shot is a bit closer to the actual color ...


  1. Magical in every sense of the word, joy and love on every page- a beautiful gift that will be a treasured family heirloom; a most special joy that you have shared the making of this with all of us Liz.

  2. Mo - thanks, I needed that

    Marti - thank you ... 15 down, 3 to go

  3. This must feel SO's. Just Wonder Full

  4. Grace - oh my goodness, it’s so good to “see” you here! And yes, it does feel wonderful to the touch ...

  5. they said....{smile} I think it really is a well thought out stitchery, and the textures?? oh my, but could I touch it!

  6. The rising face of the moon, the graceful lettering, the evening colors...what a wonderful gift to us all.

  7. There is so much love in all your work Liz. xo

  8. So much magic DOES come thru! Hope the deadline serves.

  9. I think the cloud is perfect. It cuddles the text.

  10. Well, I all but begged for reassurance and you all gave me what I needed to get over my self-doubts. Thank you from the bottom of my insecure heart.

  11. I think the whole thing is looking gorgeous Liz and I love the cloud with its stitched swirls and words...

  12. The effect of the lettering reminds me of abalone. Your lettering is so well executed. The moon, delicate and touchable thru the eye of the lens.

  13. Fiona - thank you ... I seem to do much better when I just let my needle wander

    Sue - oh yes, you're right ... it does look like abalone. Deb Lacativa's threads are so amazing.

  14. Liz~ This is so, so wonderful! I thought of abalone too :)
    And you have the best printing! xo

  15. Nancy - thank you, but I must confess to terrible-ish printing and handwriting. Strangely, though, when I write in cloth (usually with erasable marker, but sometimes in ultra fine permanent ink), somehow the letters transform under my needle. I can’t explain it, but I am grateful to Jude for giving me the gumption to try, otherwise I never would have discovered this paradox.


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