Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Speaking out

I don't write letters to the editor very often, but when I do I get published about one-third of the time (including one happy day when I actually made it into the New York Times).

So, Monday there was a Politifact article in the Austin American Statesman about how Project Veritas (a conservative organization known for selectively editing videos to make liberal causes look bad), had accused Beto O'Rourke's campaign of using funds to support the migrant caravan.

You can read the full article here:

And the letter I fired off prompted this response ...

Sadly, I didn't make the cut and it did not get published yesterday. 

But good things come to those who wait. Today's Letters to the Editor began thusly:

I really need to do this more often.

P.S. Don noted that the letter following mine was an interesting counter-point. It is best read with this righteous Arlo Guthrie rendition of Which side are you on? playing in the background

Last, but not least. Here's where you can get the new Indivisible Guide ...


  1. Hey congrats! And thanks for sharing. I think the next guy really has it wrong... Texas is turning blue and faster than anyone thought possible. There is so much baloney out there and the MSM really hasn't yet learned how to properly cover it all, so we need to speak out more. Thanks for leading by example.

  2. Dee - Thanks ... and yes, the blue is spreading. I need to download a copy of the new Indivisible guide so we can keep the momentum going!

  3. I downloaded it last night. Ssshhh -- K will print it for me at work.

  4. Being one of those New Yorkers who are obviously rich and send money to Texas, your counterpoint writer stirred my ire some. I cannot believe how so many refuse to use their common sense and amazing brains. Keep writing letters, Liz!!!

  5. Good for YOU!! The South Bend Tribune is a much smaller market. I have written several letters in the past 40 years and each one has been published. One was even inspiration for the political cartoon of the day. Some of us are compelled to speak out. This country still supports the right of both sides to speak their peace. We fight for that to continue.
    xx, Carol

  6. Good on you girl! I wrote one letter, once, a long time ago. It was directed to the show-off and dangerous way the sheriffs drove down the parade route one 4th of July. In this conservative, law enforcement heavy was no surprise that I was published! lol
    However, my son, when young, WAS published!! He wrote complaining about all of the trees being removed for a housing development. they published it in his own handwriting, well printing! He was 6 1/2 :)
    I am also intrigued with the other letter here, about the inmate. "Texas at times seems to defy all logic" Ha That could be said about many places and people!

  7. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences. As with metta, I find it challenging to read points of view that are so counter to my own. But yes, it is everyone's right to express themselves freely ... fundamental to the great social experiment that is our democracy.

    Don's approach is interesting ... he engages folks with MAGA gear asking them to tell him why they support the current administration. Fortunately, he's a much better listener than I am (and far better at keeping a straight face).

  8. Hi LA - well done - as many of us as possible need to step up and step out against untruths particularly when they are aimed at those who do not have the power to speak up for themselves. Peace. B

  9. Congratulations! Your writing is always smart & filled with grace.

  10. Barry - I love the phrase "speaking truth to power" ... unfortunately, "power" doesn't read much

    Hazel - thank you ... the letters that get published are usually the ones I fire off quickly with a liberal dose of righteous ire


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