Tuesday, October 1, 2024

And so/sew it begins

The first two sets of peace pins are ready to fly (and yes, of course you may ask for more than one).

Two are going to my one-time roommate and bridesmaid, Linda in Virginia …

And two are headed to Jude in New York, who only asked for one, but when I wasn’t happy with the first iteration (not enough contrast), I made a second …

Happily, I have quite a few requests pending, so there will be more posts to come.

To learn more about the project and request your own (free) peace pin, click on this link.


12 thoughts on “And so/sew it begins

This is so wonderful Liz!! I feel like we are all joined together to head out on a – dare I say, peace-filled journey together. it will be fun to see where in the world the pins land! Nancy

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I think these are inspirational. These are just perfect for a Quaker Meeting, like the one I belong to! We’d need about 50!! I’d never ask anyone make anything fore free, but perhaps we could pay you for a bunch and/or get your permission to use the concept to make them ourselves, crediting you in some really nice way?

With your permission, I’d like to suggest to our city council (where I live, in NJ), that we riff off your idea as a way to raise funds to restore our historic town’s Old City Hall. It is no longer used as a city hall, but developing into an arts venue. We’d use different messages of course, like “New Paint for OCH”, “Cleaning Our Old Clock Tower”.


Liz, these are wonderful!

The Quaker Meeting I belong to would love them. We’d need about 50…!!

I can find out if others would be interested, then maybe we could buy your concept, then form a pin-making Committee to make our own pins? What are your thoughts on that?


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  1. Maggie – I would love to gift this idea to your Friends Meeting and to anyone who wishes to make their own peace pins. I’ll put together a DIY and post it here for any and all who are interested

    And thank you for kindling the memory of the five or so years I attended the Williamsburg Friends Meeting before we moved to Texas


    1. WOW!! Thank you SO much, Liz.

      I had forgotten that you had attended Meeting if you had mentioned that before.

      We have a “makers” group – mostly knitting and crocheting, but the leader is a quilter and we will do good – even better -peace work via your gift!!

      Liked by 1 person

Liz, What a beautiful loving idea to revisit this project. Looks like you will be busy stitching. I hope you will gather much peace for yourself in the doing. I loved my imagine peace pin. I kept it pinned to my purse hoping that when I was out and about people might notice it and spread the imagining. Then poof, one day I noticed it was gone. I suspect it came unpinned and that I dropped it somewhere. I searched my car but it wasn’t there. I was sad, but also hopeful in the thought that the right person found it and also loved it. I’ve considered about a dozen companion words and am setting on ‘be peace’. I love that dark blue you’ve shown above. Thank you.

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Liz, thank you so much for my beautiful “create peace” pin. I love it! I appreciate you and the love and peace you are spreading. What an amazing ministry you’ve created.



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