Friday, May 13, 2016

- Know thyself

Retrospective (5/22/2016)

Patch #134 Friday the 13th

Original Post

I am smitten by Jude Hill's nine patches ... likewise Judy Martin's. But when I made a pile of 1.5" square patches, I found myself profoundly dissatisfied when I tried putting them together in blocks of nine.

Still, I love making my little one-inch weather patches, which I string together in week-long rows of seven.

So it was that a light bulb lit over my head today: make more strips ...

This I like. 

I also very much like fresh veggie fritters. This batch has red potatoes, carrots, yellow squash and onion ...

One egg, a bit of seasoning and a 1/4 cup of Bisquick to hold it all together while sautéing in olive oil. Perfect with grilled whatever and a dollop of sour cream, avocado and lemon ...


  1. Hi Liz...the fritters look great! Never thought of using Bisquick - always have that on hand. The irregularity in the squares is very appealing. Liberating! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for your faithful presence ... Bisquick and Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix (which I use for breading) are two of my long-time stand-bys

  2. Love seeing how Jude's work is working its magic for you. She has been a light in my life of fiber exploration for many years and always, always there is a new bit to stir me once again.
    The fritters are a great reminder for using the produce from the gardens now beginning their growth for 2016. So delightful to pick and use truly fresh produce grown organically.
    So love following your blog, although I do not write notes often.

    1. Kristin - I'm so glad to know you've been visiting. Thanks for the comment, which says so well how I too feel about Jude's ongoing influence.

  3. Replies
    1. And here you are ... yes, I'm finding my way, making my heart sing. Thanks much for stopping by.

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you like 'em! Last week I made some with shredded kohlrabi ... highly recommended.


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